Hold an Event or Activity

The Fraser Coast has many unique and beautiful locations suitable for holding different types of events and activities.

Under Local Law Government Act 2009 - Local Law 1 (Administration) 2011, Council regulates events and activities on both public and private land.

Applications for use of public land are required to ensure public health and safety, this includes people, property and the environment.

Applications for events on private land are to ensure events are carried out safely and are considerate of others and the surrounding environment.

Approvals are required in most circumstances and failure to obtain an approval may result in penalties.

Please review the below information prior to beginning an application.

Application available here

Types of Approvals

  • What is an temporary entertainment event?

    • An event that is open to the public for entertainment whether or not a charge for admission is made and whether or not the person who controls admission reserves a right to refuse entry.
    • Entertainment includes recreational and amusement activities.
    • A temporary entertainment event can occur on both public and private property.
  • What is a public place activity?

    • The occupation and use of a particular part of a park or reserve by a sporting association or recreational group on a regular or recurring basis.
    • An invitation-only party or celebration attended by more than 50 persons.
    • A cake stall, sausage sizzle, raffle stall or similar fundraiser.
    • A training event held on more than 2 consecutive days.
    • A wedding ceremony for which the use of a set area is reserved.
    • A display, demonstration or information booth, including being on located on a local government controlled area or road but for the benefit of users of a private property (for example, fireworks or light displays).
    • The erection or inflation of a temporary structure which is either greater than 10 square metres in area or greater than 3 metres in height.
  • When is approval required?

    • Some events or activities on private land may require you to apply for a permit.
    • Approval will depend on if the land or location has the correct approval under the Planning Scheme.
  • What is classed as commercial use?

    This means the use of a local government controlled area or road for soliciting or carrying on the supply of goods and services (including food or drink) for profit.

  • When can I apply for an annual permit?

    • You can apply for an annual permit for events/activities that occur multiple times throughout a 12 month period.
    • Annual permits are issued per financial year but can be applied for at any point throughout the year.


  • When is no approval required?

    • Aproval is not required for private events on private property (personal event), contact us if fireworks are planned. 


    • Approval is not required for opening a house or premises to the public for the purpose of a display of a historic house, a sustainable house, or a garden.


    Your event/activity is on public land and meets the below criteria:

    • A private event;
    • Less than 49 people;
    • No structures (eg: marquee/jumping castle ect) are to be erected on site, and
    • No access to Council electrical boxes is required.

Applying and Assessment

  • How do I submit an application?

    • Know what type of event you are planning, check the required information you need to accompany your application by following the STEP BY STEP checklist and APPLY here.
    • Failure to supply all necessary documents will delay the processing of your application.
    • Applications are to be made six (6) weeks prior to event, if applying within 10 days of your event an express processing fee will apply.
  • How long will my application assessment take?

    • Only complete applications will be assessed.
    • Depending on the type, scope and scale of the event, an application could take up to six (6) weeks to assess.
    • Large/high impact events can take up to six (6) months to assess.
    • Applications may be refused if there is not capacity to process the application within the desired time frame.
    • Submitting an application does not guarantee approval, if/once approved a permit will be issued.
  • Best practice guide for event delivery - view here
    Queensland events guide - view here
    Funding assistance - view Council's funding availability here
    Fraser Coast Regional Council Events Strategy - view here
    Public places for events/activities on the Fraser Coast - view locations here
    Application process and forms - step by step guides here 
    Event delivery templates - view here


  • Why?
    Events conducted in Queensland must always consider the safety and security of participants and the public.

    What is a risk?

    • A risk is the chance of something happening that will affect objectives or negatively impact either a person, reputation, or finances.
    • Risks are also measured in terms of event likelihood and consequences.

    What is a risk management plan?

    • A risk management plan documents the proposed actions to treat an identified risk.
    • This consists of a series of steps that, when undertaken in sequence, enable continual improvement in decision-making and effective event delivery.



  • What is an Event Management Plan?

    One document or manual that could be supplied to staff, volunteers or key stakeholders.

    What should be included in my event management plan?

    • event run-sheets
    • production schedules
    • event site plan
    • risk management plan
    • transport management plan
    • permits and approvals
    • emergency response plan
    • contact list
    • staff roles and responsibilities
    • inclement weather plan
    • event security including entry requirements to the venue (ie: tickets/identification).


    View an example here, Event Management Plan template.

  • What is a site map?

    A site plan is a diagram that shows the area that the event is being held on and any temporary equipment that is being used to stage the event.

    What information is required on the map?

    • Location of site in relationship to surrounding land.
    • Detailed location and placement of all rides, animals, structures, waste bins, toilets, entertainment facilities, car parking and food operations etc.
    • Defined access points for emergency vehicles and emergency evacuation.
  • You will need to specify on your application that you are intending to have alcohol for consumption at the event. 

    Wet Areas

    • Wet areas’ are designated by Council to allow the consumption of alcohol in a public place, normally for occasions such as a wedding in a park.
    • If your event is held in a public place, you will need to apply for wet area approval if people intend to drink.
    • It is important to note that having an area declared ‘wet’ does not rule out the need for a liquor licence.
    • If you intend to sell or supply liquor to others, such as at a festival or fete, you will also need to apply for a liquor licence or permit.

    What is a liquor licence?

    • A liquor licence states where and when you are allowed to serve alcohol.
    • Different licence types are available to suit different businesses or community organisations.
    • Fees and legal obligations for liquor licences vary, depending on the type of business and licence.
    • New liquor licences may take three (3) months to be approved.
    • Liquor licences are not issued by Council, they need to be applied for seperately to a 'wet area permit'.

    Liquor Permits

    • Permits are also available for non-proprietary organisations wishing to serve alcohol temporarily or at a one-off event.
    • Conditions may also be placed on the licence or permit around noise restrictions, signage, security and lighting.
    • Permit applications must be lodged 21 days in advance of the event.

    Liquor licencing and permit information

    To research the type of permit or licence you may need or to apply, visit www.business.qld.gov.au/liquor-gaming or telephone 13 74 68.


  • Do I need to provide drinking water at my event?


    • For public safety, drinking water should be available to all people at your event irrespective of the event type or weather conditions.
    • In the vast majority of cases, it is a legal requirement to ensure free drinking water is available when alcohol is being sold.
    • Free, clean and accessible drinking water is recommended, when possible.
    • It can be in the form of water fountains, taps, water trailers or bottled water.
    • If it is not feasible to offer free drinking water, bottled water for purchase should cost less than the lowest price of any other drink sold to people.
    • Ensure drinking water locations are well signposted.
  • What are the rules regarding single-use plastic at events?

    On 1 September 2021, the Queensland Government introduced a ban on the supply of single-use plastic food and drink items:

    • straws: regular straws, flexible straws, straws with a scoop, cocktail straws, and bubble tea straws
    • stirrers: hot or cold drink stirrers, swizzle sticks and hot or cold food stirrers
    • plates and bowls: including single use expanded polystyrene plates
    • cutlery: knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons, sample tasting spoons, soup spoons, chopsticks, splayds and sporks
    • containers: expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups.

    Items that are made from compostable plastic are not banned.

    The ban applies to all businesses and not-for-profit organisations unless they are an exempt business.
    Exempt businesses include clinics or facilities that provide care to persons with a disability or healthcare needs, hospitals, dental clinics, medical clinics, pharmacies, aged care facilities and medical suppliers.

    You are not allowed to supply banned items, even when a customer asks for one.

    A business or not-for-profit organisation that is found to be supplying banned items or providing false or misleading information about them or their compostability, may be fined.

    Consideration should be given to how the use of single-use items, including alternatives to single use plastic, may be avoided and where this can’t be avoided, sourcing sustainable items.

    For more information on the Queensland Government’s single-use plastics item ban visit www.qld.gov.au/plasticsban.

  • Council has received advice from WorkSafe Qld regarding conditions for the management of class 2 inflatable amusement devices (e.g. landborne inflateable amusement rides / jumping castles) on Council land.  

    As a result Council has sought external legal advice and now has  updated approval conditions to comply with requirements.  

    CONDITIONS - Inflateable amusement rides/jumping castles

  • The short answer is NO - releasing of balloons is strictly prohibited.

    In Queensland, the release of balloons into the environment is considered littering under the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011— whether released deliberately or by accident.
    The law does not differentiate between different types of littered material or whether the waste is biodegradable or not.

    A person must not release an unsecured balloon containing helium unless the balloon is –

    • released unintentionally and without negligence; or
    • released inside a building or structure and does not make its way into the open air; or
    • released for scientific, including meteorological, purposes; or
    • a balloon aircraft that is recovered after landing.
  • Controlling noise at your event

    When planning your event, including bump in (event set up) and bump out (event pack down), it is important to consider, and notify, any noise implications on nearby residents or local businesses in this planning.

    Things to consider:

    • the public address (PA) system broadcast times.
    • sound checks and positioning of speakers including monitoring the noise levels during use.
    • during bump in and bump out, it is important to pay attention to machinery and equipment, such as scissor lifts, that might create noise disturbances. Operation of this equipment should be undertaken at appropriate times, and noise protection should be considered for staff and volunteers working in close proximity to the noisy areas.

    Council requires a Noise Management Plan if one or more of the following occurs:

    • If sound amplifying equipment is to be used. 
    • Event/activity with more than 1000 people in attendance.
    • Amplified noise before 7am and after 10pm.
    • From 7am to 10pm if the noise is more than 70dB(A) at the nearest sensitive receptor. 

    A noise management plan can be found in section 24 of the Events/Activities Application form

    • The event organiser MUST enlist the services of a registered pyrotechnics contractor.
    • In Queensland, possessing or using fireworks and other explosives without a licence is illegal.
    • Only trained and appropriately licensed professionals who understand the hazards and risks may buy, store, transport or use fireworks and explosives.

    When planning an event involving either indoor or outdoor fireworks or special effects, you must:

    • Select an appropriately licensed contractor/operator.
    • Ensure appropriate insurance coverage for the display.
    • Consider Council’s noise guidelines and appropriate times for displays (e.g. hold displays before 9pm, minimise repeated displays at the same site and limit noise in sensitive areas).
    • Obtain approval from the landowner or agent where the display is held.
    • Ensure The Explosives Inspectorate, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, local community and other appropriate authorities have been notified before the display.
    • Ensure neighbours of the site are notified at least four (4) days before the display.
    • Provide emergency planning (e.g. first aid and access to and from the display firing site).
    • Provide enough time for the operator to set up the display and clean up afterwards.
    • Ensure crowd control is in place before and during the display.
    • Respond appropriately to changed conditions (e.g. cancel the display due to unsafe weather conditions such as high winds or other factors).
    • Not allow a fireworks display or special effects event to proceed if you know the display does not comply with safety requirements.
    • Report any unplanned explosives incidents that occur to The Explosives Inspectorate.

    Contact Resources Health and Safety Queensland at www.rhsq.qld.gov.au for further information.

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency

    Why do we have to ‘note Council as an interested party’ on our insurance certificate?

    • It is a requirement under Part 1, Section 6 of Fraser Coast Regional Council Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2019 for the approval holder to maintain in full force and effect, standard public liability insurance that is in the joint names of the approval holder and noting Fraser Coast Regional Council as an interested party.
    • The insurance must indemnify Council and the State against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages and expenses which may be brought against, or made upon, Council or the State as a result of the activity.
    • This requirement is in place to protect Council as the responsible party for issuing the approval for the prescribed activity under Fraser Coast Regional Council Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011 and/or as the owner or trustee of the land for which the activity is occurring.

    Council must assess applications for approval against the prescribed criteria under the Local Law and Subordinate Local Law and only grant an approval if satisfied that these criteria have been met. However, Council is not responsible for the conduct of the activity and this is the sole responsibility of the approval holder.

Living and Community