Young People

Chris Collin author of “The things you can do with Blue Whale Poo” is joining us for the Whale Festival.

Chris Collin

All Ages, no bookings required.

Saturday 3 August in Hervey Bay Library at 10am for a fun filled Storytime  

At City Park from 2pm to 5.30pm for meet & greet, puppet show & stories, and book signing.

What's On?

Do you want to relax and have some fun?


Check out the current activities below for more details.

  • Homework helpDo you need some help making sense of confusing schoolwork?

    SparkNotes can help you understand books, write papers and study for tests – all for free. There is no need to log in or sign up for PLUS, you can access free information via the “Shakespeare”, “Literature” and “Other Subjects” tabs at the top of the page. SparkNotes provides clear and concise information, never leaving out anything important.

  • Driving HelpDo you know you can apply for a learner licence in Queensland when you turn 16?  Are you prepared? has compiled all the tools you'll need to pass your test and get onto the road. Study using the tab featuring the latest Keys to Driving in Queensland book, then use the practice tests to evaluate your knowledge comprehension.

  • Mental Health helpDo you have some questions and don’t know who to ask or need some support to achieve the best possible mental health?

    Kids Helpline is available any time for any reason. Visit the website for loads of free information on things like friends, family, physical health and identity, mental health, relationships and sex, school and work, life issues, mental health and eSafety.

    Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

    Headspace is available on the Fraser Coast and offers support for young people across Australia. Check out their website for more information.


  • Financial helpDo you need some financial support?

    Centrelink may be able to help.  Find out what assistance is available for young adults studying or looking for work.

  • Learn-a-LanguageDo you want to listen to and read a new language?

    If you’re in the early stages of learning another language and want to practise your skills, log in to our multilingual storytime, LOTE Online for Kids. Read and listen to recordings of hundreds of children’s books in English and more than 45 other languages for free in the comfort of your own home. Simply enter your membership number to access this fantastic service.


Mary Poppins Literary Competition

With nearly $2000 in prize money the competition is now open to students living in the Fraser Coast Region in years 3 to 12. The theme for this year’s Fantasy story is “Let’s Celebrate!”

More information and to enter online: 2024 Mary Poppins Literary Competition ‘Let’s Celebrate!’

Or entries can be dropped into one of our library branches.

Download an entry form here

Competition closes 5pm Friday 30 August, 2024.