Local Law 4 - Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads

Local Law 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 and Subordinate Local Law 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 apply across the Fraser Coast region, with amendments to the Subordinate Local Law gazetted on 1 September 2023.

This law protects the health and safety of persons using local government controlled land, facilities, infrastructure and roads and to preserve features of the natural and built environment and other aspects of the amenity of the area.  

This is to be achieved by providing for:

  • The regulation of access to local government controlled areas
  • The prohibition or restriction of particular activities on local government controlled areas or roads and
  • Miscellaneous matters affecting roads.

Obtaining copies

Copies of the local and subordinate laws can be purchased from Council's administration centres, 77 Tavistock Street, Torquay or 211-213 Adelaide Street, Maryborough.  They can also be downloaded from our website at https://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/local-laws.

Downloadable copies

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