Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre upgrade underway


Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre

Work is underway on the first stage of a long-term upgrade to the Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre.

Fraser Coast Regional Council Community and Culture Executive Manager Joyce Chorny said the initial focus would be on the 25-metre pool area, which would be closed over the next six months while the works occurred.

“The Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre opened in 1988 and the upgrades are designed to cater for our community needs and aspirations over the next 40 to 50 years,” she said.

“The initial works will include new changerooms and a new enclosure for the 25-metre pool, a refurbishment of the existing plant room and a new backwash tank and chlorine spill tank in the service yard.

“This first stage will also lay the groundwork for future stages with the construction of a new lagoon pool plant room and the laying of pipes to service this pool and a future zero depth splash pad, as well as the construction of new chemical storage, a lifeguard station and general storage.

“The upgrades are about improving the aquatic centre's safety and reliability and ensuring it meets modern standards.”

Member for Hervey Bay Adrian Tantari said the Miles Government was investing more than $3.5 million towards the $4.1 million project through its Local Government Grants and Subsidies program.

“We love our time in the sun and surf in Hervey Bay, and I know the community is looking forward to this project – it’s why I advocated for funding for it.

“This first stage will give a much-needed refresh to the 25m pool, new changerooms and some necessary works in the background that means we can enjoy it for decades to come.”

Ms Chorny said the 50-metre pool and the heated program pool would remain open during the first stage of the upgrade with the current works timed to occur in the cooler months to minimise the disruption to swimmers.

“How and when future stages of the Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre Masterplan roll out will depend on available funding within Council’s budget and what grants are available from other levels of government,” she said.

“Council is committed to effectively managing and maintaining our assets and planning for the future, and that’s what this project is all about.”

Ms Chorny said Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre multi-entry pass holders would have the expiry date on their passes extended due to the works.

A copy of the Hervey Bay Aquatic Centre Master Plan and information from the community consultation process is available here -  https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hervey-bay-aquatic-centre-master-plan