Pest Plants

There are a number of state declared plant pests known to exist on the Fraser Coast.

Under Council's local law declared pests, seven pest plants have been identified for the Fraser Coast region and a further seven pest plants for Fraser Island, fact sheets can be viewed below.

Restrictions can vary on importation, possession, sales and control requirements can also apply if the plants impact or have the potential to impact on a nearby 'environmentally significant area' (e.g. a national park or Fraser Island).

The Biosecurity Act 2014 imposes general biosecurity obligations (GBO) for landowners to control invasive pests on land under their management and it is an offence to not comply with the conditions of each classified pest.

Local Law Declared Pest Plants

A local law declared pest plant is one that has been targeted for control under Local Government legislation.

This provides for protecting the environment and public health, safety, and amenity within the local government's area.

Under the Fraser Coast Regional Council Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environment Management) 2011 and Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environment Management) 2011, all landowners on land under their management are legally responsible to control pest plants on their property.

All landowners have an obligation to eradicate where possible, prevent the spread of and reduce the existing size of infestations, particularly where they have or could have significant economic, environmental, or social impact. 

The sale, introduction or propagation of pest plants is prohibited.