Book Clubs

A book club or book discussion group is a forum where readers can come together and talk about books and the reading experience. These groups can be organised in a variety of ways. They can be face-to-face or online, read the same book or choose a particular genre and meet informally or formally in the library or elsewhere.

Fraser Coast Libraries may be able to provide a meeting space or provide names of interested people to join existing groups or assist in setting up new clubs.

Starting a new book club

  • Get a group of people together. Invite friends and neighbours or advertise at your workplace.
  • Choose a name for your book club and nominate a coordinator to represent your group.
  • Plan a meeting schedule.  A regular monthly time, such as the first Wednesday of the month, is easy to remember.  Book club meetings can be anywhere, in parks, coffee shops or at members' homes.
  • The book club coordinator can join the club up online or in person at any of our libraries.  A library membership card will be issued to allow your club to borrow book club sets.
  • Reserve a set from our list of book club sets on the library catalogue for each meeting.

Join an existing book club

Contact us  to add your name to the book club waiting list. 

We will contact you when:

  • a member withdraws from an existing club, and a vacancy exists
  • the list grows large enough to start another club

Book club collections

Book clubs are able to obtain a free library membership which will give them free access to a large number of book club sets which generally hold 10 copies of the same title.

New book club set titles are being added to the Fraser Coast Libraries catalogue throughout the year. Suggestions for, and donations of, new titles are always welcomed from book clubs.

The current list of book club sets held by the libraries can be viewed on our catalogue.

Book club sets can also be ordered through the libraries from the State Library of Queensland, although we cannot guarantee a delivery date for these as many other library services in Queensland use this service as well.

General book club guidelines, information, discussion points

Penguin Random House

Good Reading Magazine

ALA Book Discussion Groups: Quick Start Guide

40 Great Book Club Discussion Questions

I love Libraries – For Book Clubs

Book Club Kit


For more information on book clubs, email or visit your local branch.