Fraser Coast CCTV Project

Council is undertaking an important community consultation process to learn about our community’s views about the criteria for choosing future locations for CCTV cameras and what is important in prioritising these locations. 

Feedback from the community consultation process will contribute to the development of an Assessment Framework an important part of the CCTV Strategy.

  • Council is developing a CCTV Strategy for the Fraser Coast region and has completed relevant research on current trends and condition audits about existing CCTV cameras but is still to develop an assessment framework that will determine criteria to guide decision making about future locations for CCTV cameras.  

  • A CCTV Strategy is a strategic planning document that Council will use to guide the implementation of CCTV in the Fraser Coast Region.

    It will be based on best practice in Local Government and on information gathered from stakeholders and the community in the engagement stage of the project.

    The strategy will include an guide to implementation and an assessment framework which will detail how new requests for CCTV will be assessed. 

  • To receive project updates, sign up to our E-Contact Database.

    Your contact details will not be used for any other purpose.

    To register please email the project team at

    24 September - 29 October 2018 Consultation activities
    Late October 2018 Analyse and report on consultation feedback
    November 2018 Consultation outcomes summary distributed for feedback
    December 2018 Finalisation of CCTV Strategy for Council endorsement

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