New parking strategy to ease congestion on the Fraser Coast


Councillor James Hansen said Council endorsed the new Maryborough and Hervey Bay Parking Strategy 2019 – 2038 at its meeting today (Wednesday 27 May 2020).

“The existing parking strategy is six years old, was limited in its scope and most of the actions had been achieved so Council commissioned a review to investigate how the demand for public parking was changing,” he said.

“Independent company Bitzios Consulting undertook the review and developed the strategy.”

The strategy recommends Council focus on the Maryborough CBD and join with the state government to focus on parking around the Maryborough and Hervey Bay Hospitals.

“Before there are any changes in the Maryborough CBD, Council will undertake consultation with affected businesses in June for the timed parking review in Maryborough CBD,” Cr Hansen said.

“The mix of timed and untimed parking spaces is critical to ensure a vibrant commercial centre for both the businesses and customers.

“We have to cater for businesses and customers wanting short-term parking to visit banks, chemists and bakeries while those visiting medical facilities, cafes or other service providers require longer.”

Adopting the strategy now was timely, Cr Hansen said.

“Council is finalising our budget so we can consider and prioritise the projects recommended in the strategy as we develop Council’s future Capital Works Program,” he said.

The strategy recommendations include $2million for short-term projects (2020 to 2023); $8 million for medium term projects (2024 to 2028) and $16.5million for long term projects (2029 to 2039).

The projects are a mixture of Council-funded and projects which will require state and federal government funding assistance.