Dunes beefed up ahead of November northerly winds


The annual sand push on Hervey Bay beaches will start this week.

“Council undertakes the push every winter to profile particular beaches and build up the dunes to protect them from the waves whipped by the northerly winds in November and King Tides in January and February,” Cr Denis Chapman said.

“The project is not designed to rebuild beaches worn down by erosion.

“The sand is pushed up against the dunes to act as a buffer. It absorbs the force of the waves and protects the dunes from further erosion.”

The work will be undertaken on beaches between:

  • Scarness boat ramp at the Maryborough Sailing Club and the Torquay boat ramp at the Hervey Bay Sailing Club;
  • Margaret Street Groyne and the Churchill Street Groyne, and;
  • Urangan Pier and Dayman Park.

“Some beaches and beach accesses points will be temporarily closed during the works,” he said.

“We anticipate that the project will be finished by the end of June, depending on weather, tides, winds and the amount of sand available to push.”